"90% of the game is half mental."
-Yogi Berra
A casual fan pays attention to the pitches in a game that result in some sort of outcome. They notice the strike three, the ball four, or pay attention when the ball is put in to play. A casual fan notices when outs are made, hits are recorded, and the highlight reel starts up. A baseball nerd thinks Between Pitches.
If you are a die-hard baseball fan, then your thoughts and attention are refocused between every pitch. Strategies and ideas change based on hitter, pitcher, who is on deck, the fielders, inning, weather, runners on base, who is the home team, and gut feelings in a given situation. A lot goes in to every pitch of every at bat. That is why what happens in between every pitch is even more important.
Whether its between the first pitch of last night's game and today's game, between strike one and strike two, or between the last pitch of the World Series and the first pitch of the new year, baseball is alive and baseball is the thinking man's sport! Here at Between Pitches we are just going to have a fun community for baseball nerds and casual fans to discuss the various topics of our great national past-time. Enjoy!